Hello there, Xin Chao!

I’m Michael, fueled by an unyielding passion for exploration and an insatiable desire to discover new frontiers. This enthusiasm has taken me on extraordinary journeys through the stunning landscapes of Vietnam. From the majestic Northwest to the formidable Northeast, from the pristine shores of Mui Ne to the vast coffee plantations of the Central Highlands, and from the bustling streets of Saigon to the lush fruit orchards of the Mekong Delta.

In 2009, I began my career in tourism by working independently for various travel companies, guiding adventurers across the captivating terrains of the North and Halong Bay. Joining a reputable adventure company in 2010 as a tour leader opened doors to remarkable experiences, breathtaking scenery, and unforgettable memories.


I’m David Nguyen, born in 1989, fortunate to dedicate almost ten years to the travel industry. My passion is transforming my love for Vietnam into a fulfilling career, enhancing travelers’ encounters with our country’s diverse culture, history, and natural wonders. Through partnerships with various local and international travel organizations, I’ve gained valuable understanding of travelers’ desires and needs while exploring Vietnam, allowing me to orchestrate trips with exceptional professionalism and attention to detail.

Our shared enthusiasm and vision led to the establishment of our company in 2016, offering travelers the opportunity to embark on life-changing adventures through Vietnam’s dynamic landscape.

Enhancing Travel Experiences through Hanoi Exploration Excursions

In the realm of travel and discovery, Hanoi Exploration Excursions stands out as a beacon of quality and originality, committed to enriching the journeys of our valued patrons. Our unwavering dedication lies in delivering travelers with an immersive, authentic, and transformative encounter with the vibrant culture, history, and spirituality of Hanoi. We go beyond mere tour provision; we offer unique and imaginative experiences that surpass conventional expectations.

Genuine Encounters: Providing Insights into Local Culture

Focused on offering an authentic glimpse into the everyday lives of hardworking Vietnamese individuals, our thoughtfully crafted excursions provide a captivating exploration of Hanoi’s diverse fabric. From bustling markets brimming with vitality to cozy local eateries and tranquil rural landscapes, our excursions immerse participants in various aspects of the city. What distinguishes us is the passionate commitment of our team to impart deep knowledge about Hanoi, firmly believing that the truest understanding of the city is attained through distinctive and genuine adventures led by our experienced guides.

Culinary Revelations: A Multifaceted Experience

Our excursions transcend traditional sightseeing to become a culinary journey that stimulates all senses. Leading participants to hidden culinary treasures—often unnoticed by tourists—we unveil the rich culinary tapestry of Hanoi. Our expert guides not only introduce dishes but also explain their ingredients, preparation techniques, and cultural significance, fostering a profound connection with the city’s culinary heritage and creating lasting memories.

Diving into Hanoi’s Realities: Revealing Authenticity

At Hanoi Exploration Excursions, we reject surface-level exploration, prioritizing immersion in the genuine essence of Hanoi. Riding vintage Vespas as passengers, participants navigate the maze-like streets and alleys, discovering the unadorned realities of the city. We embrace a range of experiences, from the conventional to the unconventional and even the challenging, as integral parts of Hanoi’s authentic essence.

Sensory Journey: Stimulating All Senses

Exploring Hanoi with Hanoi Exploration Excursions invites travelers to awaken and engage all senses, fostering a deep connection with the city’s essence. Our excursions encourage participants to step out of their comfort zones, experiencing Hanoi not only visually and emotionally but also through touch, sound, taste, and smell.

Unique Offerings and Unyielding Enthusiasm

What distinguishes Hanoi Exploration Excursions in the travel landscape is the meticulous craftsmanship of our offerings. Each experience is meticulously designed to provide an authentic encounter that captures the multifaceted nature of Hanoi. Our foundation rests on a lasting passion and admiration for Hanoi, driving our innovation and positioning us as leaders in the industry. Opting for Hanoi Exploration Excursions means embarking on a journey guided by genuine enthusiasm, creativity, and a profound respect for the authentic Hanoi experience.


Tours Jeep Hanoi – Hanoi Jeep Tours Hotline 24/7 Whatsapp to book: +84982416518 / +84981090989 Email: info@biketourshanoi.com